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All About Earth Angels

Do you feel different from other people, as if you ere dropped off on this plant and wonder when someone’s coming to take you home? If you have a passion and talent for healing, teaching, or helping others, yet you yourself have substances-abuse problems, weight issues, relationship challenges, and the like, then you my be an Earth Angel. If you’re highly sensitive and you abhor (dislike) violence in any form, then you may very well be an Earth Angel. An Earth Angel is a soul with non-Earthy origins.

Similarly, all of the lives you've previously lived have impacted you. And, just as your physical family-of-origins influences you, so does your soul’s family-of-origin shape your looks, behaviors, and even your life’s purpose.

If you're an Earth Angel, then you're a powerful lightworker with a legacy of healing and miracles behind and in front of you. You accepted your Divine assignment to come to Earth and spread your teachings and healing energies. How has your assignment been so far? You’ve had difficulty adjusting to Earthly life, then you'll probably find answers, comfort, and gratitude by remembering your spiritual origin.

You may discover that you are an Incarnated Angel or Elemental, a Starperson, Walk-Ins, or a Wise One. You may have to lives on Earth as an Incarnated Angel, Elemental, and such, yet you forgot these, incarnations, believing that your past lives were human.

Characteristics of Earth Angels

Feeling different, separate, or alienated from others. Most of these Earth Angel stated that they feel “different from others”. For all the realms of Wise Ones, this characteristic continues into adulthood. Many Earth Angels have been teased or verbally abused because of their different appearance, interests, and behavior.

Intense sensitivity to other people, chemicals, or violence in any form. Earth Angels have difficulty being in crowds, feeling bombarded by the overwhelming emotions and physical sensations emanating, from other people. Most Earth Angels have learned to avoid harsh chemicals in their food, cleaning supplies, and toiletries due to distaste and allergies reactions. Violence in any form for repels Earth Angels, including arguments, negative media reports, and violent movies. People often tease them for this trait, saying, ”You’re just too sensitive!” Yet, this is is sensitivity is a sacred gift that Earth Angels bring to this planet, enabling them to intuitively know where their services are needed. They couldn't turn off their sensitivity even if they tried.

A strong sense of purpose. Even if the Earth Angel doesn't specifically know what his or her purposes, there's a sense that the mission involves teaching and healing others.

The history of frustrating relationship patterns. Earth Angels are often raised by emotionally unavailable or abusive parents. As adults, they may attract abusive friends and lovers. Many Earth Angels have love relationships with partners to our unfaithful, physically or verbally abusive, or noncommittal. Some Earth Angels are “sent” to dysfunctional families as children to ace as healing catalyst. These young Earth Angels feel like a donkeys, since they don't relate to their parents or siblings at all. And truly, these are their physical families and not their spiritual families. Other Earth Angels signed up for challenging family situations so that they can progress extra fast during one lifetime. Only a strong commitment to understanding and healing this pattern seems to break the spell cast over their subsequent relationship.

Strangers telling them their problems, as well as really personal information. Earth Angels have lifelong histories of being approached by total strangers who ask for help or divulge intimate details of their lives. People often tell Earth Angels, “There’s just something about you I can trust.” This tendency is especially true amount Incarnated Angels as member of other realms have learned how they can use their body language to discourage this practice.

Looking younger than their chronological years. Perhaps it is because they eat more healthfully, exercise, and take care of themselves better overall, or maybe it's their spiritual outlook, but Earth Angels often look younger than their chronological age. Nearly every Earth Angel surveyed reported that the people are shocked when they discover their true age.

Possibly having a history of personal and familial addictions. Whether it is food, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, relationships, or all of the above, some Earth Angels turned to outside influences to numb the pain of feeling different end of being intimidated by their life's mission.

A ringing sound in one ear. Most Earth Angels (though not all) notice a high-pitched ringing sound in one ear. The sound may accompany stressful situations, or come out of the blue. Many Earth Angels consider this an annoying distraction, but the ringing actually encoded information. It also includes instructions and guidance for the Earth Angels mission. Fortunately, Earth Angels can mentally ask the Divine to reduce the volume or pitch of the sound so that it no longer hurts their ears.

Are you an Earth Angel? Take this quiz by Doreen Virtue

The following is a quiz from Doreen Virtue's book "Earth Angels." For each statement decide if it's true or false for you. Scoring is located below. 


1.    I tend to easily put on (or lose) extra weight, or I'm currently over (under) weight. 

2.    My past or current love partners are addicts or alcoholics. 

3.    I rarely break a rule. 

4.    I have a hard time saying no. 

5.    I highlight, color, or bleach my hair. 

6.    I would prefer to help someone one-on-one, rather than in a group setting. 

7.    Truth to be told, I like animals or plants much better than I like people. 

8.    I have Celtic origins, or I look Celtic (that is, I have reddish hair, or a ruddy complexion). 

9.    I constantly play practical jokes. 

10.  I'm quite the mischief maker, and seem to have a persistent twinkle in my eyes. 

11.  I'm fiercely independent and don't like following rules or authority.

12.  My finances seem to be either feast or famine. 

 13.  I don't like being the center of attention, and I'm usually a wallflower at social functions. 

14.  I've always believed in, or been interested in ET's or UFO's. 

15.  I'm compulsively thoughtful toward people, whether they express appreciation or not. 

16.  I conduct Reiki or other forms of energy or hands-on-healing. 

17.  My life's mission is more important than getting married and having children. 

18.  I really would like to go home now, because I know that Earth isn't my home. 

 19.  I had a life-changing experience, such as a serious accident or near-death experience. 

20.  In the past, I was so miserable that I wanted to die and seriously considered (or attempted) suicide. 

21.  I have changed my first name, or I am strongly considering doing so. 

22.  My family and friends remark, "You're different now. There's something about you that's not the same." 

23.  I have made, or am making, drastic changes to many areas of my life simultaneously (such as moving, changing jobs, and divorcing) all at once. 

24.  I have deep spiritual knowledge that didn't come from any books or teachers. 

 25.  Even though I know I'm different from other people, I still enjoy the company of others and get along pretty well with most people. 

26.  I know that I have magical abilities, which are untapped right now. 

27.  I have strong past-life memories or interests concerning Arthurian or Atlantean times. 

28.  I believe that I was burned at the stake, or killed in some other way, during the witch hunts or Inquisition. 

29.  I have studied Tarot cards or astrology. 

30.  I'm very drawn toward Earth-based spirituality, such as shamanism or full-moon ceremonies. 


SCORING: The number of TRUE answers that you noted may reveal which realm you're from. Count the number of TRUE answers for each successive grouping of six questions, beginning with the first six. 


~ For example, if you answered four or more TRUE's to question 1 through 6, then you're probably an INCARNATED ANGEL. (That is, the more questions you answered TRUE to, the more likely you are fit into this category). 


~ If you answered four or more TRUE's to question 7 through 12, then you're probably an INCARNATED ELEMENTAL. 


~ If you responded TRUE four or more times to question 13 through 18, then you're most likely a STARPERSON. 


~ If you had four or more TRUE answers to questions 19 through 24, then you're probably a WALK-IN. 


~ If you answered TRUE four or more times to questions 25 through 30, then you're most likely a WISE ONE.

Doreen Virtue PH.D

Three Moon Isis LLC © 2017

Information contained in this handout was collected from various internal and public sources.

Disclaimer: Information provided should never, in any case, be utilized in place of the advice of or treatment by a medical professional/licensed doctor, lawyer, registered practitioner, or other professional. In no way does April Webb of Three Moon Isis, LLC guarantee, nor is to be held liable for, what manifest in your life by acts of self, God, fate, destiny, or otherwise.

For more information on classes, personal or group instructions, or to book a private session, please call 502-533-1118.

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